Digital Accessibilty at

Rack & Riddle has taken great strides toward Digital Accessibility to embrace all audiences and make our website accessible to as many users as possible.

We have worked with two independent ADA compliance experts, Envision and LCI Tech. Their teams worked diligently with us to provide expertise and perform all necessary website audits to help us achive our goal of being WCAG compliant to the best of our ability.

We will continually strive to maintain, if not raise, our Digital Accessibility over time.

If you are having difficulty accessing any component of the website, or have an issue with our online storefront/shopping cart and need our assistance, please contact:

Monica Smith
Business Development Client Service Specialist


Direct Line: (707) 433-8400 ext. 200

Monica will respond within 24-hours. If you email, please indicate the urgency of your request in the subject line.


Thank you,

The Rack & Riddle Team