SURVEY: Base-to-Bottle Program

We appreciate you making time for this survey. Your feedback is invaluable to us — helping us to better serve you. Please answer all of the following questions, and provide additional feedback in the field provided.

  • Less than 12 months12 months to 2 years2-5 years5 years or more
  • Once a yearEvery two yearsEvery 3 years
  • Tasting room and/or eventsWine ClubDistributionOther
  • Highly satisfiedSomewhat satisfiedNeutralSomewhat dissatisfiedHighly dissatisfied
  • 5 = Well above average; 4 = Above average; 3 = Average; 2 = Below average; 1 = Well below average
    Customer Service
    Quality of Sparkling Wines
    Understanding of Your Needs
    Winemaking Staff
  • Very likelySomewhat LikelyNeutralSomewhat unlikelyVery unlikely
  • Very likelySomewhat LikelyNeutralSomewhat unlikelyVery unlikely
  • This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.


If you have any trouble viewing or using this survey form and would like us to email you the questions directly, please contact:

Monica Smith
Business Development Client Service Specialist
(707) 433-8400 x200

Megan McGrath
Business Development Administration Assistant
(707) 433-8400 x213

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Learn more about how we can assist you with sparkling or still wine production. We’re here to help.